OPEN HOUSE!!!! Virtual or In-person option FEB 1st

Join us for a guided tour of the newly completed school in Timo, where the public can see classrooms, learning spaces, and other amenities, while also getting detailed information about the school’s curriculum, teaching philosophy, community involvement, and financial aid options. Two options: IN-PERSON (Saturday, Feb 1 from 9 am – 3 pm EST) a… Continue reading OPEN HOUSE!!!! Virtual or In-person option FEB 1st

School Renamed: The Georgette Beauvais Community School

We are excited to share that the community school in Timo has been renamed “The Georgette Beauvais Community School Of Bas Coq Chante.” Marc-Arel Martial shares, “Georgette Beauvais, my grandmother, never learned to read and write growing up in Timo. She encouraged us to go to Timo to provide basic public health services because she… Continue reading School Renamed: The Georgette Beauvais Community School

Weed 68: (Oct 3- Oct 10, 2024) Building the Jolley School in Timo

Recap: Steel reinforcement for concrete floor between Block 5 (Kitchen/Cafeteria), 100%. Electrical work Block 5 hallway 3 & 4, 50%. Pouring concrete parquet flooring, Block 5 (Kitchen/Cafeteria), 60%. Application of paint on walls, 50% Classroom doors installation, 100% Manufacturing student benches/desks, 45% Windows installation Our operations are currently at the following stages: Wall finishing; Building… Continue reading Weed 68: (Oct 3- Oct 10, 2024) Building the Jolley School in Timo

Week 67 – (Sept 26- Oct 3, 2024) Building the Jolley School in Timo

Update!!! Steel reinforcement hallway between Block (Classrooms 1-3) and Block 4(Classrooms 4-6), 100%. Electrical installation hallway between Block 3(Classrooms 1-3) and block 4(Classrooms 4-6), 100%. Pouring concrete parquet flooring main hallway, 100%. Electrical work classroom ceilings, 100%. Pouring concrete parquet flooring, Block 5 (Kitchen/Cafeteria), 80%. Making school bench, 45%. Laying concrete blocks for planter boxes… Continue reading Week 67 – (Sept 26- Oct 3, 2024) Building the Jolley School in Timo

Week 66 – Sept 18-25, 2024 – Building the Jolley School, Timo Haiti

Below is a summary of activities completed during the previous period. Pouring concrete parquet flooring main corridor: This activity is completed at 85% during this week.  Pouring concrete parquet flooring, block 5 (cafeteria) :  This activity is not completed during this week.       Electrical installation of classroom ceilings: This activity is not completed during this week.… Continue reading Week 66 – Sept 18-25, 2024 – Building the Jolley School, Timo Haiti

Week 65 (Sept 11-Sept 18, 2024) – Building the Jolley School, Timo Haiti

Update!!! (100%)|Pouring concrete parquet flooring, block 4 (Classrooms 4-6), 100%. Steel reinforcement plant boat, 100%. Formwork plant boat, 100%.  Pouring concrete plant boat, 100%.  Laying bloc plant boat, 50%. Steel reinforcement corridor between block 3 (Classrooms 1-3) and block 4(Classrooms 4-6), 50%.  Floating, block 5(Cafeteria), 100%.  Main facade preparation,100%. Bench preparation, 20%.  Saddling socket,90%

Week 64 (Sept 4-Sept 11, 2024) – Building the Jolley School, Timo Haiti

Update on progress: pouring concrete parquet flooring,block 4 ( Classrooms 4-6); This activity is completed at 75% during this week. Paint work block 4(Classrooms 4-6) : This activity is completed at 30 % during this week. plant boat excavation : This activity is completed during this week, 100%. Backfilling corridor between block 3(Classrooms 1-3) and… Continue reading Week 64 (Sept 4-Sept 11, 2024) – Building the Jolley School, Timo Haiti